Photo: Visit Isle of Wight
Monitoring and Evaluation – Isle of Wight
Independent monitoring and evaluation of the Island’s Transforming Travel programme
In 2017 Isle of Wight Council commissioned The Smarter Choice Consultancy to act as impartial evaluator of ‘Transforming Travel’ – the three-year Access Fund programme aiming to get more local residents and visitors moving around the Island by sustainable transport.
Developing the monitoring framework
Our initial task was to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework, based on the programme’s overall objectives and the frontline activities being delivered by its three constituent workstreams.
Liaison with the project managers delivering these 19 activities was critical in the early stages. We needed to understand how each intervention would be delivered and how they might affect people’s travel. Working with them, we identified suitable data metrics and data collection methodologies, which could be ‘designed in’ to the delivery of their projects.
As project managers were responsible for their own primary data collection, an early training session on good practice in monitoring and evaluation was crucial for getting them to appreciate the importance of monitoring, as well as their role in collecting data.
On-going evaluation and reporting
Over the three years of Transforming Travel we routinely collated, checked and archived data supplied by the individual workstreams and projects. Each year we conducted analysed to assess the cumulative impact of the programme to date – with a focus on any change in the proportion of people using sustainable modes of transport, and projections of the trips and car kilometres saved by people shifting from their car. Where appropriate we also reported additional data from individual projects or secondary data from national sources – in order to provide deeper insight and context to our main findings.
Our reports presented information about the programme overall and about each of the three workstreams. For each of these, in order to appeal to different types of readers, headline figures were presented as infographics, followed by a short narrative section and summary tables of key data.
Adapting to changing circumstances
When Transforming Travel was granted additional funding by the Department for Transport for 2020/21 we were primed to continue our monitoring and evaluation into a fourth year. However the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted delivery of this final year of the programme – disrupting data collection methodologies and creating a bigger disruption to travel habits on the Island than the programme would have achieved.
Therefore, we adapted our approach, to continue to best support the programme through this turbulent time. Using the data that remained available to us, and reviewing the initiatives that were able to continue throughout the lockdowns, we assessed how the pandemic changed travel on the Island. We outlined five lessons the Isle of Wight Council could learn from this, in order to capitalise on these changes and to continue to support the decarbonisation of transport on the Island. This final report also featured case studies of the programme’s key initiatives, to capture best practice and facilitate the sharing of this with practitioners elsewhere.
Project completed in conjunction with Lorax Environmental Associates
Download the 2020/21 (year 4) evaluation report.
Download the 2019/20 (year 3) evaluation report.
Download the 2018/19 (year 2) evaluation report.
Download the 2017/18 (year 1) evaluation report.
Read about how we can help with your monitoring & evaluation or next behaviour change or sustainable transport project.