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Stakeholder Engagement

Getting everyone working together to build the best possible outcomes

Positive stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of any project. We need good relations in order to understand stakeholders’ views, build their needs into delivery plans, leverage their knowledge and expertise, create supportive networks, and capture their insights in order to continually improve the project’s performance.

We have experience with stakeholders of many types: from the general public to government departments, ministers and officials; local authorities, councillors and officers; national and regional public bodies; community hubs such as schools and leisure centres; charities and third sector bodies; community interest companies and the private sector.

Whether you are a group of organisations co-producing a project together, or you need to engage external stakeholders in the design, delivery or monitoring of a project, we can act as an independent and impartial facilitator, helping to build effective working relationships which will maximise the impact of your project.

The type of things we can help with…
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Stakeholder workshops
  • Stakeholder communications
  • Facilitating co-production
  • Relationship building

Email us or call 01778 305088 to chat through the possibilities.


We have specialist expertise in:

Queen of hearts playing card

Behaviour Change

Winning hearts and minds by giving people access to a range of tools to help them make better choices for themselves, society and the planet
Read More Behaviour Change
Part of a Cluedo board with a counter, mini revolver and Cluedo cards

Social Research

Investigating the who, what, where and why in order to identify what works and capture best practice
Read More Social Research