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Photo: Silverbird Photography for Durham County Council


Transforming Swimming toolkit published

Sport England has published its Transforming Swimming toolkit – which was researched, written and designed by The Smarter Choice Consultancy.

The toolkit captures best practice and lessons learnt from Sport England’s five Swim Pilots aimed at getting more people swimming, more often. It will inspire senior decision-makers and help practitioners to implement radical change – to make their pools more appealing to a wider range of people in their local communities, and to upgrade their customers’ experiences.

An interactive PDF is at the heart of the toolkit. It is structured around five key types of activity the Swim Pilots undertook, providing examples and ideas for each theme:

  • Became relevant and accountable to their local community 
  • Modernised their swimming offer 
  • Perfected pool users’ end-to-end customer journey 
  • Reached out to their local community 
  • Maximised the social value of the pool 

The toolkit also outlines 10 guiding principles for practitioners, to maximise the potential for success.

From the main resource, the reader can link to a suite of ‘Learning Locker’ information sheets, which highlight specific case studies, top tips, checklists and topic deep dives. 

A separate summary for decision makers sits alongside the main toolkit. 

Find out more

Download the Transforming Swimming toolkit.

Download the summary for decision makers.

See our Transforming Swimming case study.

Read about how we can help with your social research.