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Photo: Steven Barber for Cumbria Tourism


Programme Initiation: Go Lakes Travel

Getting a high profile project up and running for Lake District National Park Authority and its partners

Our Director, Beth Hiblin acted as Interim Programme Manager of the Lake District’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme for 6 months after the funding was initially awarded. As such she played a key role in turning the £6.9m ‘Lake District Sustainable Visitor Travel Beacon Area’ bid document in to the ‘Go Lakes Travel’ programme, ready to engage with visitors coming to the Lakes at the start of the next visitor season.

The Lake District’s LSTF bid was made up of nine projects, each to be delivered by one of the programmes three core partners: Cumbria County Council, Lake District National Park Authority and Cumbria Tourism. While a permanent Programme Manager was being recruited, Beth was tasked with turning the bid in to a programme which would deliver more sustainable travel by visitors but which could be delivered and managed effectively between the partner organisations.

Beth worked closely with the staff and consultants initiating the nine projects, as well as key officers within the partner organisations, in order to move the programme from concept to delivery; in the process setting up a programme management structure which took in to account the staffing, reporting, financial, procurement and governance requirements of each of the partners.

Acting as Interim Programme Manager Beth was instrumental in:

  • Designing workable governance, programme management and financial management procedures; as well as setting these up (e.g. using templates, logs, protocols, meetings, etc.) and managing them on an on-going basis.
  • Initiating procurement of good, services and works in order to fully and effectively utilise the first year’s budget by the end of the financial year.
  • Building the delivery team and ensuring initiation of each of the nine projects, as well as coordinating activity to maximise linkages and synergies between the projects.
  • All day-to-day management of the programme – resolving issues and acting as a central port of call for staff, consultants, partners, suppliers and stakeholders on all aspects of the programme.

In April 2012, Beth was able to handover to the new Programme Manager the ‘Go Lakes Travel’ programme – which had recently celebrated its official launch with stakeholders and was on track to offer visitors to the Lakes in 2012 a host of new travel choices.


Read about how we can help with your next behaviour change or sustainable transport project.


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